Wednesday, November 21, 2012

This Time Of Year, Always

Climbing roses and bougainvillea
in full bloom
and the scent of jasmine
that gets stuck at the back of your throat

that's spring
in this city

all choked up with sweet smells
and pollen
and other things that make you rub you eyes

in disbelief

this time of year
in this city


always, as the summer skirts
begin to appear
revealing calves
and thighs
and the odd flash of undergarment

revealing things hidden
throughout winter

and red raw eyes
rubbing away the irritation

though we're probably making it worse

by touching it at all

stripping off
stripping back

I remember that one spring
years ago
leaning up against the cool poles of the cafe
my favourite summer dress
newly exposed
all flowers in bloom
on the street,
on my favourite summer dress

still wide eyed in disbelief
at your proximity
that you'd been there all this time.

this time of year
that disbelief

I'll rub my eyes
one last time
the sweet irritating scents
of this time of year
in this city.

Perhaps I'll put on my favourite dress
and wander the streets
we both know so well

wide eyed in disbelief
that we exist
at all.

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