Monday, November 8, 2010


I'm trying to read short stories, but the problem is; there are too many words. I mean, not as many words as are long stories, obviously, but still, I just can't keep processing them one after the other after the other and so on and so forth. It's exhausting.

The thing about words is that each one is important. Each one has meanings, multiple meanings and when you're faced with a whole page of them, well, it can be quite overwhelming, trying to figure out what they mean, what they're supposed to mean, what alternate meanings they might have.

That's why songs are great. Not too many words, plenty of space between them, a few notes here and there that hint at the mood, a few clues.

And poems, too.

They're like, bite sized, yet satisfying. They fill you up, long after they're gone- after they've been uttered or read. They stay inside you.


They're the kind of words I like.

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