Monday, November 15, 2010

My Room, Fitzroy

It's almost like
falling asleep at a lively house party
except the people whose voices
you think you might be dreaming
won't look in on you in the night
(or cover you up when you kick the blankets off)

It's almost like
falling asleep on a park bench
except there's a posturepedic mattress
and blankets for warmth
while your heart is as heard
as wooden slats
and your fear
mimics the chill of the wind

It's almost like
falling asleep on the couch
except the TV is hers
and you can't ask her
to turn it down

It's almost like
falling asleep in your very own home
until you realise

1 comment:

  1. It's almost like
    falling asleep in your very own thoughts
    except that the thoughts are orphans
    your mind a channel
    to pour them out

    It's almost like
    falling asleep amongst the crowd
    until you realize
    the crowd is an illusion
    of your very sane mind
