Tuesday, January 17, 2012

That's A Given

I've been given a lot of things
too many things,
some might say

things that have made my life easier

things that have been hard to get rid of

things that won't go away
even when the recycling has been emptied
and it's contents crushed by the jaws
of the shit stinking rubbish truck
that wakes me up
when I'd rather be asleep and dreaming
of things that never were.

There's a box on the bookshelf that I opened
against my better judgement

a four legged beast that just won't leave me

and hand written pages
long since incinerated
that I find myself flicking through
from time to time.

I'm giving a lot, these days.

Not giving of myself, don't be so abstract and quit thinking that this is about me and my stupid feelings.
It isn't.
It wasn't meant to be.

I'll just keep handing out
of the disposables
while my neck burns a fashionable shade of maroon
from the glare off the blue plastic mats.

listen carefully,
I'm giving you a free shot here;

it hurts,
but it still feels good.

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